Gear vs Non Gear Cycle – Which One to Buy?


Are you curious to know about the difference between a Gear Cycle and a Gearless Cycle? Here are some points that will remove all of your worries on gear vs non gear cycle.

When cycling, did you know there are two different forms? The geared and the non geared cycles both provide a means of locomotion, but they differ in many ways.

At the same time, certain parts of the bike remain the same such as the handlebars and seats. Many other parts changes in design depending on the purpose of the cycle.

So, if you want to know which cycle is better, gear or gearless? Here’s a quick overview of the two kinds of bikes: gear bicycle vs non gear bicycle.

What is a gearless cycle?


There are various types of bicycles, but one that only has one gear ratio is called a gearless cycle or single-speed bicycle. These bicycles do not have any derailleur gears, hub gearing, or other mechanisms that would allow the rider to change the bicycle gear.

Even though the vast majority of fixed-gear bicycles (fixies) only have a single speed. In cycling terminology, a “single-speed” bicycle is one that has only one gear ratio. And these are equipped with a freewheel mechanism that enables the rider to ride.

There are no gears on a gearless cycle. As a result, it can be used for all types of activities. You can ride them for leisure, fitness, or even racing.

However, these cycles are less expensive than geared cycles because they don’t have any gears.

Advantages of a gearless cycle:

  • Gearless bikes are cheaper than geared cycles.
  • They require less maintenance.
  • You don’t have to worry about the right gear combination.
  • They are eco-friendly.
  • They are more comfortable and easier to ride.

What is Gear Cycle?


While non-geared cycles are great for beginners, they aren’t ideal for long-distance riding. After a few hours of riding, they tend to become heavy.

This makes it challenging to maintain your balance. On top of that, you need to pedal constantly to keep yourself going.

Geared cycles solve this problem. Since they have gears, you can choose the right one for the distance you wish to travel.

Advantages of gear cycle

  • Gearing allows you to adjust the speed easily. You can choose the right gear for the terrain.
  • They are more efficient.
  • They are very durable.

Disadvantages of gear cycle:

  • They cost more than non-geared ones.
  • They are heavier than non-geared bicycles due to the presence of multiple gears.

Difference between gear and non gear cycle

When we think of gear cycle vs non gear cycle, the first thing that comes to mind is the gear system.

A bicycle with several gears (mechanical systems that enable the change between different angular or linear speeds) is called a geared bicycle and is technically known as a multiple-speed.

Otherwise, bicycles without gears are known as single-speed bicycles because they cannot change their speed ratios.

COST: Gear vs non gear cycle

With gear:

A bicycle that has gears is more versatile and complex than a bicycle that does not have gears. As a result, the price of such a bicycle is more. A bike with multiple gears is the best option if you prioritise speed over comfort but still want to compete at a high level.

Without gear:

Having said that, a bicycle with a single speed features a straightforward design, which makes it less complicated to fix and more convenient to maintain. As a result, the price of such a bicycle is low.

MAINTENANCE: Gear vs non gear cycle

With gear:

When a bicycle has gears, it has significantly more moving parts, such as derailleurs, shifters, and several cogs, all of which need to work together properly. If even one component has a problem, the system as a whole cannot perform as smoothly as it should. 

As a direct consequence of this, these bicycles require continuous care and maintenance.

Without gear:

A single-speed or fixed-wheel bicycle has a significantly reduced number of moving parts, which removes the requirement for frequent servicing.

COMFORT LEVEL: Gear vs non gear cycle

With gear:

When it comes to riding in comfort, having the correct frame size and the right bike fitting are both extremely important factors. Cycling can be an uncomfortable activity, particularly when done uphill. Cycling upwards is not a problem if you have a gears bicycle.

Without gear:

As a result of the lack of any possible gear variation, riding a bicycle that does not have gears can put a significant amount of strain on your muscles. Not only that, but it can also force you to stand up and move around, allowing you to burn more energy.

LONG DISTANCE: Gear vs non gear cycle

No matter what bicycle you purchase, you can rest assured that any of these will last you a long time. Just make sure you regularly give them the care they require. 

FAQs on Gear Bicycle vs Non Gear Bicycle:

Is the gear cycle good for beginners?

No. It’s not. Cycling is a great sport. Don’t let it get ruined by a giant tyre. If you have never cycled before, you should start with a simple bike – take it easy. You don’t want to get injured.

Gear or gearless cycle for weight loss?

It depends on what you’re trying to achieve. If you want to lose weight, a non-geared cycle is a way to go. The reason why is that it helps you burn calories faster.

Can we fix gear in a normal cycle?

Yes, this is possible. If you are preparing for a sports event, you can test your gear in a cycle. But, if you are preparing for a specific event, you should ask for a particular kit. Both ways can work, so you can choose which is better for you.

Gear cycle vs normal cycle which is better?

It is easier to burn fat and lose weight when riding a normal or gearless cycle. But the pace will be slower. And the biggest problem will be endurance. A Gear cycle can help you ride for a longer time, but you won’t burn more fat. You may be more comfortable with a geared bicycle.


We hope you enjoyed our article about the gear vs non gear cycle.

It is important to note that not every cyclist will ride a geared bike without effort. If you are looking to buy a bicycle and are unsure whether to go geared or non-geared, we suggest that you try a cycle at your local store and see how easy it is to ride.

The experience will help you decide which one suits you best.

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